Mybb icon resize
Mybb icon resize

mybb icon resize

Open source products are scattered around the web. We have large collection of open source products. MsQuic - Cross-platform, C implementation of the IETF QUIC protocol, exposed to C, C++, C# and RustĬache2k – Lightweight, high performance Java cachingĪpache Mnemonic - Non-volatile hybrid memory storage oriented library GOT - Human-friendly and powerful HTTP request library for Node.jsĭbGate- Database manager for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, SQLite and others Mantine - A fully featured React components library includes more than 120 customizable components and hooks Telescope Nova - An app platform built with React and powered by Meteor on the back-end This plugin was added to the MyBB Extend collection on.


I am its original author, inspired by azalea4va s code in the Resize image attachments thread, and encouraged by Eldenroot. Voat - Media aggregator and an alternative to Reddit Image Auto-Resizer, which auto-resizes uploaded images so that they do not exceed a stipulated maximum width and height (defaulting to 900 pixels for both). Sylius - eCommerce PHP framework built on top of Symfony with component-based architecture and format-agnostic rendering


It redirects responsive image requests immediately to their full size, while all non-responsive-image requests go to their proper destination through a URL rewrite that ignores the "/rwd-router/" segment. htaccess file determines whether the request is a responsive image or not (does it have a ?full query parameter?). As soon as rwd-images.js loads, it tests the screen width, and if it's large, it inserts a BASE element into the head of your page, directing all subsequent image, script, and stylesheet requests through a fictitious directory called "/rwd-router/". I tested out individual elements of the script in the GIMP.

mybb icon resize

My script runs without any errors but does absolutely nothing to the images in the directory. I am trying to resize images to the highest multiple of 4 (unless it already is a multiple of 4). Ideally, this could enable developers to start with mobile-optimized images in their HTML and specify a larger size to be used for users with larger screen resolutions - without requesting both image sizes, and without UA sniffing. Hello all First post here so I hope this make sense.

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The goal of this technique is to deliver optimized, contextual image sizes in responsive layouts that utilize dramatically different image sizes at different resolutions. I want to create this picture either 800X600 for landscape or 600X800 for portrait. When i upload it and resize, it always show like landscape mode, mean new dimension is w-1067 X h-800. I have an image with the dimension of (W-3000 X H-4000). Responsive-Images - NOTE: use Picturefill instead Codeigniter image rotate when image resize.

Mybb icon resize